Thursday, November 27, 2008

Haha my 100th post.
Finally i was wondering when it would come. Shows how much i post.=P
anyways some random stuff to post about. Shall have more soon i guess.

You are an Elite

An Elite, known as "Idealists" in the Jungian typology is typically the player
who is the most dedicated to the spirit of the game. Idealists are typically proud
individuals who enjoy the feel of the game. Even while getting triple and
quadriple kills they have an impressive amount of spare energy to teach the newer
players how to play. They are typically the ones who show good sportsmanship and also
the players who lead their team to victory in the role of a carry hero. Elites
are the kind of players who will turn a heroes like razor, Spectre or even Meepo into
a unstoppable killing machine in 30 minutes and still have the time to drink their tea.

Basically sounds like me. =D except for the teaching newer players part.

4:26 PM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not much has been happening. The usual training, DotA, working.
I get this feeling that sometimes i act like real anti-social. Sometimes I just get irritated really easily and get real pissed real fast. Im sure many have seen me like this.
Well I really try to control, but its hard and I really hate it when things dont go my way in any situation. DotA or life. Anything. Yeah so im sry if I annoyed anyone or made anyone pissed because I was being retarded and a jerk sometimes.
Im trying to learn how to control, but it takes time.
And its not that im against it. Its just that im really annoyed ur spending like all ur time on it. No time for anything else, not even a short phone call. Everything is surrounding one person. What you say and write. Im just not used to it.
I suddenly feel like playing soccer in school. Maybe on a Tuesday or Wednesday? Heh I dunno, anyone interested just tag or msg me or something on msn. Lol.
I should be sleeping now, training tommorrow. Nights

7:48 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, November 7, 2008

I have been really really lazy to blog for the past 2 weeks.
Holidays been great so far and packed.
Its only been 2 weeks and 2 sleepovers alr. 1 at my house and 1 at Josh's.
Ahh time passes so gast when you are having fun. Cant believe Gokul is migrating to Qatar. Its really saddening losing a great buddy like him. With im around I never stop laughing, all the fun we have had together, the badminton the gymming, soccer, jokes shared. First it was Keith now its Gokul. =(
Anyways I just want to wish him all the best in Qatar and hope he enjoys himself there but most importantly keep in touch with us and dont forget us! =l I'll miss you dearly buddy.
Holidays is about training, dota and working. Lol, im like a DotA addict. =P
Thinking about DotA, I remember a quote from someone.
'Eh Yh you play DotA its not Defense of the Ancients, its Defense of the Heroes.'
Yeah, oo so true. =D
Recently I have been quite annoyed at some people. Like he know i dont like these people, and tell me he dont also, yet he seems to be on such good terms with them, I really dont get it at all.
Ahh well, dont think too much. Training tommorrow, last day of one star course. Must train hard this holidays.

7:32 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)


When Im with you, Its like a Dream come True.


My Name: Yen Hang
My Loves: God, Family, Friends, my iPOD

complete my ultimate aim
know god better
hang out with my bros
rock in guitar
My Friends

Daryl Chen
Jeremy Ong
Nikhel-Best Bro
Jian Jie-Best Bro
Keith- Best Bro
Jon Wong


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