Thursday, October 23, 2008

Holidays have arrived.
The end of the year and the end of 2.12 Naphtali.
I dont know why, but Im going to like do a dedication for some people in class. Maybe i might do the whole class.

The ever so witty and funny guy that never fails to own Josiah and the guy that always accompanies me to mac to eat after school. Well, hope we can still meet up next yr.

Ever so reliable defender for the class. But you need to chill with those tackles, you might get hurt. Even though some things might not have worked out but I guess there were some good times over the pat 2 years.

Jian Jie and Joshua-
The 2 most important people in the class. Without you guys i probably wouldnt have survived. Even though u guys love to piss me off we still have lots of fun and laughs. Through it all we are still the best of brothers. All the best for your track and rugby next year. =D

Even though you have gone to Hong Kong theres not a day I dont miss the late night phone calls and the laughs and talks we have had over the past 2 years. Haha. All the best for your studies and life in Hong Kong bro!

Nice reliable guy i can always count on. Ever so trustworthy and helpful. Thanks for the past 2 years. =)

Jonathan Tang-
Ever so willing to help me out in my work when i need it and my good orchestra mate. =)

I might post more some other days haha.
Have to wake up early tommorrow. Going to be so much fun. =D

10:35 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Im really quite tired.
I hate going to school nowadays.
Its so boring and i cant even sleep when i want to with all the teachers around.
Feel like not going tommorrow because i have a dental appointment. But my parents want me to go, to take the report book and get the history movie from Daryl.
OEP Briefing today, found out the destinations.
I heard they are going to group the classes according to GEP or not again. So that means might not be in the same class as Zhi Hong. But his average is so high, maybe they put him in. =l

Ahh. I need sleep. But its ironic that its 12.40 now. Oh well, better go sleep now.

9:36 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The weekends pass so fast.. Maybe its because i always spend the whole saturday sleeping.
The holidays are coming in 4 days time. What a joyous ocasion. I wont have to wake up so early for school, i can have more sleep, and more time to do other stuff.
Im gonna miss some parts of the class, but yet looking forward to next year.
I heard there might be a class party tommorrow or something. Its probably not gooing to be a real good one, but its better than nothing. Besides, theres probably going to be pizza. =)
I have my mind set and its not going to change.
Haha i dont really have a lot to talk about right now. I shall go sleep soon maybe i have more stuff to post about soon.
Signing off.

9:04 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Exam Results release.
Started the day off with a rather lousy soccer match.
After which there was the AGM where we just knew our house captains and stuff. I didnt even sign up for anything because i wasnt approached. Jevon came over and asked me to 100m backstroke and i told him to go away. =X
I cant swim for nuts. Maybe i shall swim for the holidays lol but i just dont enjoy it. I feel like a few laps seem a few km in running terms.
After the AGM went back to class to slack for 45 mins plus. Watched AP 2, well half of it. Then every1 got ready for the exams results release after wishing good luck and all.
And then it came.
I got -
Language Arts- 80
Higher Chinese- 76
Geography- 82
Biology- 84
Physics- 60
ePOD- 96
ISO- 87
Art- 80
Math- 69

Thats everything. Im pretty much ok with my results. There are the good points and te bad of course. But at least Im getting what i wanted. =)
Really have to Thank God for everything, this whole year and everything thats been going on. Hes really blessed me and I love Him.
Now that the results are off our minds, lets concentrate on what needs to be done.

7:59 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tommorrows results day. How wonderful.
Im really praying i do really well for this exams. I studied really hard. Studied even though I was sick and almost half dead. Thank God for helping me pull through.
School has become very boring nowadays. Im not complaining, but i cant help but feel sad that nowadays the post exam activities dont seem to be very enjoyable. I mean in primary school there was always some outing to the parks or something i mean at least those were quite fun. Now even a class party doesnt seem feasible.
Well I read something inspiring today. I managed to chance upon this wonderful blog. Humbling yourself to God. In my opinion hes some kickass dude but hes still so humble and always thanking God and being humble. I think thats what we should always do. Haha. Hes kinda like my role model now. What a great guy.
Anyways I wish everybody the best of luck tommorrow for your results.
Thank God even if you do well, and even if you don't. =)

6:23 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Exams are finally over and i still havent recovered from my damn cough.
Because of the cough i still cant do sports properly and its starting to piss me off real bad.
I want to recover now omg.
I had to miss training in the morning because still coughing badly.
Went to Josh's house yesterday. It was fun.=D
Now hes starting to play DotA again haha. He saw me kick ass on battlenet at his house =P
Exams are over but somehow i dont feel that sense of immense joy.
I feel that im wasting too much time playing and not other things.
Lack of accomplishment and purpose.
To be honest, im actually looking forward to the results. Hope I top the class. =)
Schools ending, 2 weeks more to go. I'll miss the class, most of it.
Well i guess it starts again, time to turn on the throttle.

11:28 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A bit of spare time to blog a bit finally.
The exams are almost halfway done, with most of the major subjects down.
Geog Paper was quite easy and Language Arts im thinking it will go very well.
Life Science was good, but Math again is the ultimate killer. I think nobody finished the stupid paper. Paper 1 was ok but paper 2 was just pure torture. I left a whole trigo question blank. 10 marks. It was either the stupid question which i couldnt figure out, or draw the quadratic graph. I chose the graph, which was obviously the better choice. Its about the same marks, and graph is much easier to do. Well for me at least.
Well i went to Josh's house after school where we packed food from KFC to his house to eat because there was no space. Im eating like a pig nowadays. =P Cant continue this way or i'll become some fat slob. We kicked around where i realised Josh's soccer is improving by leaps and bounds. He just needs to keep practising and apply his tricks to be some real good soccer player. Josh's dog is cute haha.
Todae had to wake up early for History Mock Paper back at school. I stayed back after that to play soccer in the sweltering heat. Came home not feeling so good and slept throug the afternoon. I gonna sleep early today then hope everything works out tommorrow and get started for History Revision.
3 more days, 4 more subjects. All the best to everybody.

4:51 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)


When Im with you, Its like a Dream come True.


My Name: Yen Hang
My Loves: God, Family, Friends, my iPOD

complete my ultimate aim
know god better
hang out with my bros
rock in guitar
My Friends

Daryl Chen
Jeremy Ong
Nikhel-Best Bro
Jian Jie-Best Bro
Keith- Best Bro
Jon Wong


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