Friday, August 29, 2008

Today was teachers day celebrations.
Happy Teacher's Day in advance!
I thank all the teachers that ever taught me or currently teaching me right now haha!=)
We had a weird ACES day walk along the ITE route, where Gokul and Nicholas decided to be jokes and run up the slope. Then got pumped by the rugby coach haha!
We had a nice time chatting and stuff, then went back to class, where we played soccer for a while. I didnt really enjoy it, bcoz it was quite rough and i hate the street soccer court sometimes. I really wished it was on the field. Got damn rough play, which i dont really like to engage in but i cant back down, so no choice. Recess, then a slack P Sci lesson bcoz she happened to be in a very good mood.
Then had the boring concert where i slept through most of.
Then went back to primary school haha..
Saw all the teachers and talked with them for a while.
So glad to see my old teachers. They were the better things abt primary school other than my buddy Nikhel. Even though i sometimes miss the slack old days of primary school, i very much prefer now to past.
I never wanna go back to the past.
Josiah Lim and Keith came to my house to play and chat for a while. Then snacked on lots of Hello Pandas!!!=D
Did my exercise and stuff.
Im looking forward to the holidays!! =D

7:49 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More than halfway through the last week of the term.. Im looking forward to the holidays man haha can finally rest.. T.T. And a lot of other stuff including movie outings, sleepovers and stuff. haha =)
Got back our term report today and it was quite surprising. I did better than expected haha.
I think im gonna post the results based on my memory.
Language Arts- 78
Higher Chinese- 81
History- 97
Geography- 70
Physical Science- 86
Life Sciences- 71
Math- 68
Yea i think thats abt it. This term is project term, and project term is always a double-edged sword. It can help you like in the case of Physics and History and it can pull you down, like Math. Haha anyways quite ok with my results not sulking or anything.
Todae didnt have any training, and I was feeling very tired so I didnt go for remedial and went home to rest.
Gonna be going to school real early for the next few days.
Oh yea 1 more very important thing I forgot to mention is the Singapore Fireworks Festival 2008 last saturday.
Its a totally new experience seeing it on television then right in front of it. The grandstand. The noise, atmosphere, the magnificent fireworks. A beautiful sight. I must get pictures from the camera and the video from my dad's phone. ><
its pretty late now i think im gonna go sleep haha.
Nights. =)

8:18 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

This weekends have been a life saver. As always.
I managed to catch up on my sleep luckily, waking up at 1pm todae.
The earlier sesison of sleeping at 1 and waking up for training at 6.30 made me throughly exhausted.
I love weekends they are the best!
And as im working hard towards the aim i can see myself improving and im soo happy. =D
Stuff has been happening i dont really wanna talk abt it.
Tommorrow have training need to rest now.

7:43 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, August 22, 2008

So much has been happening.
Todae went out with Josiah Lim, Gokul and Zhi Hong to watch Meet Dave.
It kinda exceeded my expectations haha its a funny show. We were laughing like mad throughout the whole movie.
Before the movie ate lunch at BK, then went to LAN for an hour. The comps hanged after Gokul asked me to host some stupid map and we all started. Once the game started all the comps hanged. Wasted our time lol.
Some of the seniors happened to be there also lols, to watch movie.
Recently there have been many things going on. A lot of controversy and shit that makes me feel sad and like accused even though i shouldn't be feeling anything close to that.
For the NCC thing, it wasn't an overnight thing. So please don't give me the crap and make me look like the bad guy.
For inter-class soccer, I didn't fill in the form. When i saw the form it was already like that. I did think of playing, but that thought just quickly vanished. We can NEVER, be the same team that we were or supposed to be last year. The spirit is just gone. Our team is split into 2. Everyone should know what im talking about. It's not that I don't enjoy soccer anymore, its just WHO i play with.
And i gave up playing soccer during recess, because we never have the field. Its always either in a small cramped up place, or a thousand people playing in 1 third of the field. Nowadays the sec 1s are also taking the parts of the field we once used and had fond memories of.
And our class does NOT suck.
I like our class. Most of it.
Most of the people are nice, its just that we don't play soccer that often anymore.
That doesn't mean our class sucks. There are always exceptions. And i noe to those people who can't fit in at all one way or another they would think our class sucks, or I suck for that matter. And Josiah im not referring to you.
I noe there are definitely people out there in the class who hate me and think im like a total ass.
It doesn't matter to me. You can portray me to be like behind everything. I dont care, it isn't true. You are just maybe trying to find reasons for your own failure and demise in life.
Since you dare to show it to the world why not just tell me straight in the face.
Instead of acting like some innocent guy trying to be nice when you really just hate me deep inside and want to rip me to bits.
Just tell me in school on Monday or something, maybe after that I won't feel so sick just thinking of the type of person you are or have become.
I didn't 'take' anybody away.
Wadever, its real late in the night and i wanna go sleep.
Tommorrow have training in the morning.

9:17 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Todae is a day of mixed emotions.
First of all, there was swimming, where even though we were supposed to be excused, the teacher still made us walk for like 45 mins. That 1 wasnt so bad, talk to Yi Sheen, Kenneth and some other people. It was prety sad for Jian, cos he still had to go for orienteering, something he didnt volounteer for, something he didnt even want to go for in the first place. Just that people just put his name down and got him embroiled in this mess. Yi Sheen also had to go run.
Ate at the pool cafe, eating more than usual cos i thought I was gonna be running todae.
Went back to class where I heard Jian got scolded by the teacher in charge of NCC Land cos he didnt turn up for meetings and wasnt intending to turn up for orienteering. Quite sad.
I feel if you were volounteered for something, and you really didnt wan to go but you are forced to, it is very very unfair.
Anyways I RESCHEDULED my dental appointment BY 2 MONTHS and SKIPPED canoeing training to go for this orienteering thing.
Went there, where I had to study some stupid CRAP.
Then somemore I was to be replaced if I didnt study. Wad the heck, i thought it was only running thats why I even agreed to go. Then somemore threaten take me out. Lol.
Anyways they still decided to put me in and then I went there and just JUST BECAUSE, I was missing a DAMN RANK, I had to be subbed out by LENZ. LOL. I felt frustration, anger, disappointment a lot of bad feelings in one. I had to crush the stupid apple in my hands. I just had to. I bloody wasted my time AGAIN FOR NCC. Last time shooting compt i also reserve, THEODORE CHUA took my place and i could shoot MILES better than him.. now again give me this crap and dont let me run cos i dont have a rank.
That was it. There and then I made this decision along with Jian. This would be the ABSOLUTE LAST NCC EVENT we would ever take part in.
Next year challenge quest or wadever crap even if i was begged to join i will NOT join. The long 4 hour stone wait was boring as heck but luckily i talked to Wei Chong for 1 hour then Jian and Yi Sheen came back and then finally at least I had some company.
I didnt accomplish one of my main intentions of coming for this orienteering thing todae, other than the running part in which i promptly regretted and decided to punish myself. Lol jon and zhi hong should noe.
We got first, and so wad, I didnt run. Good for the people who did run and get gold.
The land people didnt get anything which is understandable.
Like i said, u get unwilling ppl, without any selection and crap you expect to get good results. Of course not right. Volounteer people to go for something when they really dont want to is gonna give u disastrous results and at the end of the day its not their fault.
I got home at 8 O CLOCK. I was so pissed off that when i got back to sch i like vented my frustrations on the damn boots and lucky Jian helped me retrieve my shoes in class or I would have gone home barefooted. Thanks extremely x3 good brother.
Took bus home with Wei Chong and talked abt alot of things especially abt the NCC thing todae where we were the screwed reserves. Wasted my time, I could definitely have gone for a lot more things and accomplished more on this date 21st August 2008.
Luckily, went back home ate a good dinner and managed to release a lot of stress through exercise. It is the best way of venting anger.
Ahh. Now i am not really feeling very angry or whatever, just wished I could wind the clock back, undo a few things.

Through it all, you cheer me up.

9:40 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Haha finally got a few of my favourite songs on the blog. Listen to them yeah they are the best haha!
=D now to go sleep its like 12.08 am now gotta wake up early tommorrow.

9:07 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

This past 2 days have been busy.
On Monday i received news that the orienterring competition is like on Thursday. I was like omg. EVERYTHING falls on Thursday. Training, this competition and dental appointment. I dont wanna miss the training, my dental appointment if cancelled will take a few months to replace and i cannot not go for the competition. =(
So wad to do, try my best make it for the appointment and stuff the running and crap seriously wont take that long right.
These few days been ok in class. Todae came back 5 mins late for Higher Chinese lesson and forgot to greet and apologize to the teacher. That was my fault but the subsequent lashing on the chair wasnt. I normally do it in class and i didnt do it to show my frustration. But it was stupid of me not to apologize and explain to the teacher when i went into class late so.. then had to write a statement explaining wad happened and stuff. All these would have been averted if.. i had been ONLY 5 mins earlier. Haiz.
Then had recess during Language Arts B which was nice as we played soccer and the field was open. For like the first time out of 100 times. Its becuase of this odds that I kinda decided to stop playing soccer altogether during recess. Another reason is that I have other things to do during recess instead of getting myself sweat infested before the next period every single day..
Finally tommorrow got a rest day. Rest a while. Heard Friday got some holidat thanks to the rugby people. Go Joshua and Yi Sheen! XD.
At least the orienteering competition won't be all that bad. There are good points too. =)

8:29 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

This weekend has been relaxing.
I stayed at Fairmont Hotel some hotel next to raffles city.
Checked in went to the pool swam a bit, relaxed and slept. Then had a nice dinner where I ate this gigantic burger lols. Yum.XD
Then bought some energy bars, chips and stuff then went back to the hotel room. Watched some olympics and then went to bed haha. so tired. ><
Then woke up at like 9+ ate a nice breakfast then went to watch Phelps dominate and some other stuff before checking out. A nice stay. =D
Reached home, then played dota, did my usual routine and ran with Edward. He brought his swimming stuff so after the run went to my house with the intention of swimming. But we reached there and in the super small pool it was congested with lots of people so i had to go back wait a while then went there. The same people still there. Wad the hell, they r talking in the damn pool. Then me and Edward juz waited there and stoned and talked till we finally got in. After juz 5-10 mins it started raining so wad to do, go back. Bathed and ate dinner while Edward drank his Milo and then he went home after a while.
Nice relaxing weekend. Tommorrow gotta go back to school. lol.
Changed songs on my blog haha go listen to it. My favourites currently im addicted to A Day Late by Anberlin I listen to it everywhere, when working out, running, sleeping, stoning, reading, and playing dota. Lol.

8:24 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Been a very busy week.
Tired and lazy so havent been posting. Im only gonna be posting from time to time now so sry people who faithfully read my blog everyday.
Basically yesterday was pretty interesting and screwed up.
There was Art lesson, which was pretty dumb bcoz Keith forgot to hand up our art pieces to our teacher so we all got scolded. Then scolded the whole class about our behaviour and comparing us to last yr. I dun really noe wads changed.
Before that, Jian got real pissed off with Josiah and Sean cos they took out some stuff out of his locker after they hacked it. I wouldnt blame him. I never seen him get so pissed off before. Uusally hes like juz joking around and the last time he got this closed to being pissed was last year when i pushed him away and shouted at him when he taking freekicks cos he skipped my turn.
He cooled down then it was pretty much ok.
Then had PC lesson which was obviously very interesting as usual. But the contents I am unable to divulge due to senstivity issues. =X
Had training in the afternoon and capsized like 3,4 times. First time, I hope it gets better.
Then I reached home 7+, ate dinner, bathed, did some stuff and went straight to sleep. That was how tired I was.
Today was a pretty ok day.
The CS in the morning was good cos i actually paid attention to the lesson and she made me and Jian take some test and we both got full marks. How nice. XD
Then the teacher didnt come for P.E todae.
Recess where everyone started studying for P. Science test right after it.
P Sci Test. Pretty easy.
Then Math, Music whic was slack and then dismissed.
I wasnt feeling very well so didnt go for the orienteering thing.
Todaes rugby finals was nice. We won by a nice margin. Joshua was playing haha our school rugby team owns.
Went to the finals with Jian and Jon Wong and had lots of funny jokes and stuff. Very fun haha=D
Well gonna sleep soon after i eat my cereal. Gotta wake up tommorrow for training.

8:18 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Todae I went for training in the morning. I slept quite late last night but luckily I still managed to wake up and make it there in time. Early rather. Training todae was same as last thursday. Practice strokes and stuff. I think its better we do it now than on the boat haha..
Then ran after training and my lungs were dying. Todae blocked nose and other ailments led to disatrous results in running. When they 6 rounds, I thought it was up,down,up,down,up,down.. Then i chiong like crazy for the 5th round and 6th then reaslied up,down is 1 round. I was like omg.. then i juz died out. Finished it and then debrief and stuff, then went to the toilet there to change and stuff.
Then Winston made us stay and watch the credits like some extras lol. He was like, ''Wait, wait after this got something.'' So me and Jon stayed and watched and read the names as it passed by, including one named 'Brandy Nightingale' and other names. The credits finally finished. And guess wad. Nothing. Lol.
Then we took a walk around the mall talking abt stuff then split up and went home. I took a very long 50min train ride home lols..
Reached home and bathed, rested a while then went running with Edward. Yes you probably think im a crazy tard.
Haha todae was such a fun day. =D

6:56 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Singapore! =D

Yesterday was Keiths Birthday! haha Happy Birthday Bro. We had our National Day Celebrations in our school were we did some historic thing abt ppl lining up in the shape of Singapore and Pulau Ubin. It didnt even look like Singapore. But its probably quite hard to do the outline.
Was like sleeping through the prize presentation of the people wad sword of honour and stuff.. waste of time.
Finished the celebrations at last and then went to try out my new gloves! So nice.. Thanks dad =)
Then went to change and went to vivo with Keith, Jian and Jon Wong.
Halfway to vivo, Sean say wan go cinei, and im like wth. Hello, its Keith's party not yours, you wan change then change? Then got some ppl also extra before this then say cannot go when not even invited. Like wth, the skin how thick, thicker than their skull.
So anyways, we couldnt be bothered then went to vivo. Bought the Red Cliff tickets and went to eat at Carl's Jr. So nice! Me and Jon saw some nice jackets at IP zone but sadly they were in red. If black or white I would have bought.
Anyways we ate an extremely satisfying lunch then me and Jian bough Ben and Jerrys while Jon and Keith say they were too full. It was simply, delicious. Strawberry cheesecake and some cookie flavour. 9 Bucks, but it was sooo nice..
Then went to watch Red Cliff which was nice, but not better than Dark Knight.. The ending was disappointing, with the to be continued thing that makes ppl feel like tearing the ticket haha.
Then i went home with Jon and Josiah via MRT back home.
Josiah decided to stopover at my house to play a game of Halo 3 b4 going for his tuition at United Square.
Haha very fun day yesterday haha.
But there are always buts in everything and its very sad that some ppl can abandon their bros for something else.

Todae woke up at like 12+ then played some comp, watched the olympics and National Day Parade and did my usual routine.
The end of a extremely tiring week. Haha.. Sometimes I feel very tired worn out. But theres something that keeps me going. Gives me motivation and inspiration. =)
Shall post more some other time

6:59 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yesterday nothing much happened.
But we were 'softballing' in class lol. Our class is the best class ever. You will never be bored in our class unless you are some outcast tortured person. Anyways the Japanese kid called Seiya looks quite nice and cute lol. I normally dont call ppl cute, because im not a Josiah. But seriously he looks like some p3,p4 kid and hes a p6. He got this innocent and playful look haha something that we all lack in nowadays. The first part. Yi Sheen is damn blur. The teacher open the door looking at him he still dunno and then throw the ball. Lol.
Mr Dave Tay also showed us his Japanese conversing skills. After school had to go for Math Remedial then rush home to start work on my Chinese Project. The stupid jian tie bu thing.
Did 7 yesterday.

Todae school was quite ok nothing much happened.. Settled our history debate teams and Im with Joshua, Jian, Zhi Liang and Kazu. Haha nice team. Sadly, Keith got chosen by someone and could not be in our group or we might own more haha.. =(
After school had training where it rained like heck juz after training, soaked my bag and the stupid thing is the rain stopped JUST after we reached the bus stop.
Life is just like this. Reached home, ate dinner, bathed, then continued with my chinese project. So tired.. Did 1 then dozed off and my mom woke me up and asked me to complete it. Finally finished it... Such a big and wonderful relief.
FINALLY. The very well deserved break has come.. The long weekend.
Tommorrow im gonna go celebrate Keith's B dae and Vivo with some other people. Gonna be lots of fun! =D

8:25 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Didnt post yesterday bcoz this week is seriously the week of stress.
Todae we had the Chinese test which caused me to study ytd for the night.
Reached home at 7 ate dinner then rest a while till 8, the studied for like 15 mins and dozed off till 9.30 then i finished the studying off at 10.30.
Todae everyone studied in the morning, during ISO, Music, Recess.. Then finally the dreaded chinese test. Luckily it turned out ok and the studying payed off... =P Thank God.
Before school ended has some New South Wales English test. Like wad the heck.. I was already very tired then still have all these stupid tests popping out of nowhere then just had the stupid Math competition test. I juz anyhow complete the stupid test and almost dozed off halfway until the teacher noticed me and asked me to wake up and finish the test....
After sch still had PsciPrac makeup class... Its not like we wanted to miss the prac on friday bcoz of cross country run... Still had to stay back somemore after the prac cos me and Kazu were talking during class... Then reached the gym at 4.30 around there then did a bit then went ome at 5.20.
Such a stressing week ahead.. dunno how i can cope. Geog project due tommorrow, chinese scrapbook and art due on thursday... God help me... =(

7:59 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ok im gonna keep this post short.
I woke up early for canoeing training at 6am.
Reached there at 6.40 and got lost. I ran and ran for abt 1km then realised its the other side of the road. It was quite dark so i couldnt c much. Ran and ran and finally reached the shed. Then I got on a k2 with the coach which was quite nice. Then i learnt how to fether and brace, dunno how its spelt but its for balancing the boat. Atempted to balance on a k1 lols. Quite fun. =D
Then finish went back home. ate, slept for 1 hour and went for orchestra practice.
Then after practice went to Leon's house again to do history project till night time.

Todae the main thing is the FOA for Pliharmonic Orchestra. I went there at 1+ to rehearse a while then our performance was at like 4.30.. All the weeks of practice for that short 10 mins or so. When on stage, my hands were freezing, i was like suffering from frostbite=X
Anyways it was pretty ok then I saw Jon and Zhi Hong there haha. They were also there watching.

Tommorrow got Charity Cafe. We are selling Cheese Fries and seting up xbox 360 and ps3 stations haha hope we get good business then can help the ppl more=D.
Gonna be quite fun im done for duty the whole day cos im bringing a game.. =)
This week has been throughly straining.. at least i got to rest todae.. gotta brace myself for this week.. so many projects.

8:13 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Todae had a bad history lesson. Mr Gavin Ang said we were the worst SBGE Class he ever taught. Because someone was stuck on an extremely simple question for half an hour. I never see before some1 get stuck on a question for so long. I got quite pissed. Waste of time. Then he didnt try to answer juz stone there so i got even more frustrated. Then finish a gloomy history lesson, had Art class, where Keith and Josiah were supposedly 'wrestling' in class and both of them received 1 demerit point.
Had a boring class meeting, a talk about behaviour, duty roster and the charity cafe. Then went for canoeing which was quite interesting. I got on the boat then capsized the first time then after a while kinda got the hang of it. But im still quite nervous when i get on the boat haha.. =P
Cut my knee and had a bruise on my knee which made walking up and down stairs and walking very painful. Went to Leon's house to do history project after that, had my cereal, milk and apple then msned a while and went to bed.

Todae had cross-country run. I was pretty scared that my injury ytd would affect my performance in the run. Went there reported to the house meeting place, got my number then everyone was wishing good luck and offering their encouragement.
Called up, and thoughts ran through my mind. I was very nervous. Went to stretch a while then we were going to start. Saw Keith, Daryl and Josiah wishing me good luck at the starting place when we started. I tried to keep a constant pace and everyone went to the front. Going up and down the tunnels really made my knee very painful and i couldnt go very fast. Ran and ran and there was this soccer guy trying that stuck to me like glue. Then the last stretch i really gave it all i got and i got 12th position. Missed the damn medal by two places, but theres always next year haha.. Then walked with Josiah, Keith, Jon, Nikhel, Brandon and Geng Jie for the mass walk. Marc Shaun and Jiayuan were with us at the start but then went ahead of us. Very fun cos we were talking abt stuff the whole way haha.. XD
Finished the run then went to WestMall eat KFC with Keith, Josiah Lim and Tham and Jian. Then Josiah Lim and me went to Jians house. Quite fun lol.
Thanks everyone for their encouragement leading up to the race haha =)
Tommorrow i think gotta wake up and go for training at 7am.
Im beat lols.

5:07 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)


When Im with you, Its like a Dream come True.


My Name: Yen Hang
My Loves: God, Family, Friends, my iPOD

complete my ultimate aim
know god better
hang out with my bros
rock in guitar
My Friends

Daryl Chen
Jeremy Ong
Nikhel-Best Bro
Jian Jie-Best Bro
Keith- Best Bro
Jon Wong


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