Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Today had MI2, then me and Frederick showed Mr Terrence Ng our GENIUS idea of the hanger thing. I shant go into details but later finished, went to P.E. then we were informed that there was NO P.E.. Instead got some emergency exercise, wad FireFly XI. Then we go back class then wait till 10 o clock me Jian went down to the SAC and found that nobody was there, then the teachers there ask us to go back to our class and await instructions. -__- So we went back anyways, then Ms Lee came back into our class. Then told us some scenario, here got bomb there got bomb so 90% of our class cannot go home todae due to blockages and disruptions of MRT lines and Bus Routes. We all knew it was an exercise, which is why i thought it was quite meaningless. If we didnt noe it would probably have been more effective.
Finished already then had recess, the smart thing is that almost the whole school went for recess. so everywhere was damn packed. Queued for like 20 mins to get our food. Then had ePOD, went to print my essay and had a free period, and then had Geography, followed by a debrief by Dr Ong about todays exercise.
I was supposed to go running with Sean today, then he say damn hot, so he didnt wan to. Then played some soccer did chin ups with the machine thing, and then went home.
Was super tired, so I slept for like 3 hours.
Very busy week ><

7:31 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Todae had chinese oral practice then i didnt really prepare so i dont think i did very well.
Then had math, then recess where i juz mostly ate.
Then Language Arts B, Physical Science, then a very slack EP as usual, then Language Arts A which was hilarious and interesting as usual.
Then had my very first canoeing training.
I was damn nervous and scared lol cos i dunno anything abt it. Luckily Jon was there or i would have fainted.
Then i told the teacher and coach there, sort of sign up.
Stretching was a bit funny, cos got some stretches i dunno how to do then this nice guy named Winston helped me out haha, then they said something 6, then this nice B Div guy whose name i think is Kenneth told me its 60. So i was like omg. I thought he was like joking. Then i did 20+ 30 then they go like chain gun, 'down, down' i died halfway. then really cannot go down liao. Evryone was like encouraging each other haha.
Then ran 4km, where i accidentally followed the wrong group for running. I joined the B Div, and the other C Div pro people. I thought everyone was running together, then on the third round i realised i was supposed to run with the sec1s and Lenz and his friend so I asked Jon, wad now.
Then he was like heck care juz run haha so i juz ran. Finished the 4km then this nice B div guy whose name i did not noe came up to me and said good run and he seemed very nice.
Then had some talk by the coach abt training as a team and running together and pushing the weaker and slower ppl for they r our weakest link so must push together as a team.
Then went to gym and did with Jon and everyone was like damn strong. The B Div team especially.
Did gym for another 1 hour plus had a short talk with the coach and the teacher and then saw Keith and Josiah at the astro and joined them for like 10 mins then went home.
Ate like some hungry person and then started on my epod essay. haha eventful day.
I realised must train damn hard so must be focused.
Thanks Jon for helping me so much throughout the day! =)

6:59 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Yesterday didnt do anything much.. Just slacked at home did a full body workout so i hope i dont get sores like tommorrow.
Todae was a reasonably ok day.
Had soccer in the morning.
I played for 5 mins then i block Gokuls shot with a slide and scraped the side of my knee on the floor so theres a graze. Then went for an enlightening REW about the Prodigal Son. I love REW. Get to worship and learn more about the Lord and His Word.
Finished, then had an interesting history lesson about Cultural Assimilation, and other very profound terms we dont normally see or use but quite intersting anyways because Mr Gavin Ang is a very good and nice teacher. haha
Then had recess, where played with 2.11 which was ok. We were playing among ourselves at first, then the sec 4s come invade and say its their P.E. wad to do. Other field open they take our field. Haiz. Then 2.11 came and we played with them. Scored this very sexy goal where Jian took a damn nice swerving corner and i one touch volleyed it straight in haha. Wham.
Finished recess, then went back to Chinese class late. The stupid door got stuck at the red level so had to take 1 big detour back to class.
Then Language Arts, Physical Science, then had Life Science Prac haha... We learning about the heart todae..

Theres Mr Terrence Ng poking his finger through the heart showing use where the ventricles and veins are. Not for the faint-hearted. Some people got like freaked out by the heart haha ripped the pic of Josiah's blog.. XD

Moving on, we had CIP later in the day at Handicap's Welfare Association.
First of all, something was very odd, there wasnt any performances or whatever planned. So i was wondering what are we going to do there. I realised this year's CIP was much more boring and less satisfactory than last year's CIP. Much less interaction and mingling with the members and folks and much more labour work.
We were asked to rip paper off tin cans then paste new ones. The difference is one is blue and the other white. So i was like this is such a waste of paper. Then maybe they had their own reasons, then when we halfway through pasting the new ones, they say tear it off cause hard to write on the paper pasted on the tin can. Then whole garbage bag filled with wasted paper and glue because of a miscommunication error.
Then we picked up the papers and stuff on the floor, then have to pick up dry leaves in an empty small field outside the basketball court.
This was superbly boring and I felt that what i was doing was pretty meaningless and didnt help the people as much as I wanted to. Then we kinda fooled around a bit then got scolded and had to be serious and pick up the leaves properly. The field had like pit holes. And i saw a spider the size of my finger at the field.Jian, Me and Daryl haha =P

Anyways then went back to school, and took a lift from Edward back home haha thanks Edward again =)
Then went running with Edward, then he say eat too much before he run so cannot run and got stitch and abandon me halfway. Then i ran home by myself and a nice dinner at home and started bloghopping and listening to music in my room. haha. Eventful day.

Got some pics from Jian and Josiah of the sky

Hahaha so nice right...

6:17 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Drama Day.
and we had a dramatic day of thrills, joy, hysteria and excitement.
I woke up early in the morning went for a short run, had breakfast and waited anxiously to go out at 1+.
Sean came to my house to go with me to Cineileisure.
His mother didnt allow him so he told her he was coming over to my house to do geog project.
Then he came, and we went out, and he thought he saw his mother camping outside my house. So he was damn scared then she might see him then he will get screwed.
So we go around to the pool side and he realised it wasnt his mom's car.
15 mins wasted. Then took a cab to cineileisure.
Met Zhi hong there, then we bought tickets. Had to buy 7. Then Sean went to buy 2 1 for him and his gf.
Then Keith and Jon Tan came along and Keith had styled his hair and made himself look like some rooster.
The 2.30 spot for Dark Knight got sold out and thus we had to settle for the 3.10 one.
Then we went to Pastamania, bought a 12 inch pizza then share. Josiah, Gokul and Frederick then came, so we all went to watch the movie and bought popcorn and drinks.
Into the cinema, and we saw a couple of trailers and then Dark Knight.
Loved the show. It was the nicest show i watched in a long time. So much excitement, suspense.
Loved the meaning of the show and everything about it especially the last part.
Anyone that has not seen this movie MUST go and catch it cos it seriously is worth watching.
Gokul is seriously super funny.
then the whole group split into two and then we took cab to KAP cos we were damn late.
Met Jian, Daryl Chui and Chen there at KAP. Then Jian was being obscenely sick, as usual. then we finished, took bus to school then it was drama night.
Went there, found some seats and watched the plays.
there were like 3 plays, 1st and third was quite funny but the second was boring.
Then the play finished, then played soccer in the dark, which was totally retarded.
Cant even see the ball, and everyone was running around blindly haha.
Throughout the whole day, plenty of laughs, thrills and excitement haha.=)
Throughly enjoyed today haha hanging out with your buddies is juz nice. =D
Haha in the end Claudia didnt want the cereal haha.
Got some other stuff that happened but it is kinda censored so I cant comment on it.
Lets leave them to their private lives.
Best day in a long time! =)

8:41 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Today we had Geography in the morning, then had computer studies.
Haha got released 20 mins early for recess. Went to eat a bit then 'thought' we would be able to play soccer, but not only was the field full, in the end Mr Samuel Sim go chase out everybody other than those doing P.E... Then really disappointed, went back to class found Jian there then went for a walk to the SAC and back.
Then had P Sci Prac, Josiah used 3 batteries to light up his bulb thn it almost fused. It was super bright, then the teacher saw and called his mom in front of the class-.-
Then Math, Language Arts B then had some Science practical demonstrations for white space.
Quite cool la, Physics actually fun if you have the right teachers and you do experiments.
Then went for the orienteering training thing.
Did some amazing race around the school, ran up 5 stories, back to first, then second , fourth, third. Finished, went back air room, eat some biscuit then rest a bit, stretched like mad, then ran 3km in our no.4. Really heavy.
I rather do 5km in PE attire, but they say wan familiarise us with running in no.4.
Then went to pick my bro from tuition, ate dinner then went back home.
Tommorrow gonna be damn fun.
Watch Dark Knight then eat at KAP with ur best buddies and friends then watch drama.
Nice. =)

6:51 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today we went to West Coast to run our cross country familiarisation run. The distance was 4.8km
I went there and found a lot of people at the macdonalds place. Then i applied counterpain on my arm because i feared the injury ytd would screw me up.
Anyways we ran and the weather was quite good and the place is nice to run cause theres tons of trees and very shady.
I thought we were supposed to follow the teacher all the way then Sean and this guy started breaking away.
So i also started running.
Then I saw Theodore near me for a while, then he faded away.
Jian was running with me then we overtook 1 person so we had Hasif, that guy and Sean ahead of us. Then Jian decided to slack. Anyways i continued running, so i reached the halfway point and Sean didnt know where to go, there were two paths. So we stopped for a while. Then I got a snellen stitch and Daryl caught up also.
I ran and ran then Daryl went past me and for a long while it was Sean,Daryl then me. Then abt 800m - 1km from the end we were kinda stopped by the teacher.
Then 2 other ppl caught up and I didnt feel like running anymore so i juz ran a bit and walked.
Quite a sad run. Anyways it was refreshing cause its in the morning.
Then we went back to school on an un-airconditioned bus which was totally stupid. Its hotter in the bus than outside. Sick. Reached school, ate some food then played soccer.
Then went back to class and had normal classes.
PC is fun as usual today as always. Our group is the best. Most fun one.
Stayed back slack around for a while after school with Keith and Jian.
Then took bus home with Jian then took a nap.
I been taking naps in the afternoon recently. ><
Tommorrow got the stupid orienteering thing. I wanted to slack sia. then have to go for the stupid thing run in no.4 somemore. Sian....

6:31 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tommorrow need go West Coast Park for the familiarisation run for cross country.
Todae Josiah threw a broomstick at me. The tip it my arm. Now cannot flex so cannot do anything with it. I cant even press shampoo with it. Anyways he said he wanted to test my reflexes. I think i failed his retarded test. Hope it wont affect the run tommorrow or i will kill him.
Today had 2 hours of Physics. Quite sick. So much Physics. End of the day was Language Arts and we were released early by 10 mins. Love the days Lang Arts is last period. After that went to canteen and the people at the table started commenting how stupid my lunch was. Haha.
Then had Math Remedial then played soccer with Josiah and the 2.11 ppl. Me and Keith owned them haha.
Good luck to everybody for the run tommorrow haha =)
Oh yea and Edward this is for u, BRING HEALTH BOOKLET TOMMORROW.
ok i shall post tommorrow.
Apples, Milk and Cereal still rock. XD

5:56 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Recently I am addicted to apples and cereal.
Cereal and HL Milk. If u guys wanted to know what type of cereal, its frosties and frosties without the sugar. I eat a nice bowl for breakfast and a small cup for supper. Totaly delicious. Cereal and Milk, healthy, nice to eat and filling. Man whoever created cereal is like up there along with the people who invented internet.
Also apples are also an addiction recently. I ate 3 todae and im intending to eat another b4 i sleep. Dunno why the apples like very nice to bite i juz eat piece after piece. Like potato chips.
This Thursday got the familiarisation run thing, gonna be quite fun.
That means tommorrow better not do any weights or whatever juz rest or cannot run on thursday.
Haha cereal, milk and apples.=)

7:10 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Nothing much happened. I juz ran my first 5km in a long time. haha i gotta take part in cross country. Juz try my best. =)

Today, Chinese teacher came back after going to China for 2 weeks. Mad chiong for hw, luckily managed to finish most of it. Thank God. Went to Jian's house to do geog project. We didnt do anything, then i ate some chewing gum, then went to his condo gym to workout a bit haha. I think i going to his house on cross country day again so gonna be damn fun. Then went home have to chiong lang arts b assignment. tommorrow got music project, sian still havent decide wad song to perform.

6:58 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Friday was quite fun.
Cos we had pe in the morning, and Josiah was very happy that he beat me in running.
Then we had orienteering run in the afternoon during NCC.
Iinitially did not wan to get into the orienteering thing, but i juz run for fun. Anyways I got second, Daryl beat me bt a bit cos i seriously didnt feel like chionging and i wasnt wearing my running shoes, and I did not have my iPOD with me. Which totally stinks cos my iPOD sets the pace and keeps me going for the run it gives me the extra pump and adrenaline.
Anyways because i was selected I have to go for some orienteering training next friday which totally stinks. Cos the rest of the ppl get to slack.
Then went to some Thai restaurant with my parents and my bro and ate. Very nice.
Today was very slack, i didnt do much cos my whole bodys aching and stuff. The stupid desktop ha crashed cos the graphic cad is burnt out and I cannot play DotA. That really annoyed me. Lousy computer.
I kinda decided on what song to play on tuesday for music project.
I was reciting to Keith my previous posts and I didnt noe it was that interesting to review ur past. haha.
Only 1 more week to Drama Night. Looking forward to it.

9:12 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yesterday, nothing much happened, there was P.E. which was quite fun. We ran 1.6km then played soccer. All the running pays off. We also had ISO, and we need to do the prototype thing soon or we are so dead. Yesterday was also the 4x100 in which Jian is running in. Congrats bro, u guys got the gold medal. =D
Today was quite ok.
We had soccer in the morning haha, a great way to start off your day.
Me, Jian and Richard vs Keith, Jevon and Gokul.
Me and Jian still own. I think its mostly Jian.
Anyways after that went for assembly. Went back to class, and 95% of the class got scolded for not bring the CIP Form. Must remember to bring it. And its not that we cant be bothered. I love going for CIP, its juz that it slips our mind sometimes. =P
Then had Math, in which our teacher tried to communicate with us. It wasnt that bad.
Then we went for recess, played more soccer against 2.11, in which it was like 7 vs 16. I hate these type of games. But we still won.
Went back to class late and got disciplined. Josiah is very gutsy. I must seriously admit in all my years in school hes 1 of the most daring person I have ever seen.
Then after that Language Arts we had history.
I got the scare of the term so far.
95% of our class actually forgot to do the History Assignment on Immigration.
Mr Gavin Ang said he was gonna give us all 1 demerit point.
Luckily, he gave us another chance, and we got off the hook as all of us finished the work in class.
Must remember to do History homework.
Then we had a free period, where Dean cried. I dunno y, maybe cos Jin Sun managed to gain total control over his comp from his own comp through a program called remote desktop or something.
We had many fun competitions and then it was Art.
Art is quite ok nowadays, cos we go to the Mac Lab where we fidle around with our products.
Then had PC, which was fun and full of debates. Always fun.
After school, went to Leon's house to do the narration for our history project and managed to get things done. Then went home, ran with Edward, ate dinner, watched TV, did some other stuff and now im blogging.
Haha, tommorrow's P.E. again.. love it.
I heard got some orienteering thing or whatever tommorrow during NCC, which is like some 8km thing. I dunno la lol.
Post tommorrow or something if i feel like it XD

7:36 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Today we get dimissed at 2pm then have to stay back after school again to do Maths project. Almost everyday have to stay back for 1 thing or another.
I think we finally finished the Math project so i can heave a huge sigh of relief there. Very stress rcently, then thursday gotta go Leon's house do narration for history project.
Oh yea and todae, i got a cut and a small injury near my shin during soccer. I got the ball away he slide both feet in. This type of ppl, make me not feel like playing soccer.
At least Jian came back today so school more interesting and less boring.
And tommorrow is his track finals which he is so gonna win. 4x100. Good luck to him and the team! =D
haha. i post more tommorrow or something
take care of yourself yea..=)

8:25 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yesterday we did our history projet filming.
We found out at like 12+ that the National Archives close at 1pm.
So we ouldnt go there, and Leon said we shouldnt go Labrador Park cos his tuition teacher said there were many snakes there.
Thank god we didnt go Labrador Park.
Leon's house had a couple of nice places to film and everything went nicely and smoothly. Actually, filming is a very fun thing to do espeially when u have people like Kazu who is totally comical. Haha, we finished all the filming yesterday. So now gotta get historial footage, and some other stuff.
Today I didnt do anything much. I slept loads today, woke up at 11. then watched tv till 12, ate lunch then went to sleep till like 5. All the sleep to make up for the rest of the week's lack of it. Then went running, then ate dinner.
Tommorrows the start of school week again. Monday.
13 days left

6:41 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Last day of the IP Symposium as well as my 50th post.
This week has had its ups and downs.
Today there was some sharing sessions as usual, in which i fell asleep, again for the dunno wad time in the duration of this Symposium. Some parts are fun, but some parts are really -.= and espcially the dimmed lights make it such a perfect place to fall asleep.
Today after school, I played soccer. I was gonna ask Keith, but he decided to change into his uniform so fast. -.-
I was pissed off. understandably.
So anyways, Josiah was being a total dog. Then wads more, my team was kinda screwed up. No offence to any1. But they werent being serious. Having fun is 1 thing but i mean playing that type of soccer is not really very fun. Seriously these type of times, i really miss Jian.
So then had to go for NCC training.
The usual attendance and stuff then went to study for some tests coming up.
Dunno wad test.. NCC also got so many tests. haiz.
Then went for PT. which was mostly screwed as usual bcoz the running part was screwed, i shall not elaborate then i didnt wanna play soccer and we werent allowed to do anything much other than stone.
Anyways, to the person that continously spends his effort trying to be a loser, i feel sorry for you.
I gotta do my history project tommorrow. and im so not looking forward to it.
This week has been rather down and dim, but it'll all get better soon.
im sure of it. =)

9:06 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Todae is the 2nd last day of the IP Symposium and all we had was presentations from the students about global warming, renewable energy and food shotages.
I thought the food shortages talk had some pretty interesting clips.
Haha. todae was the last day of REW and i decided to redidcate my life to God. That means i must try my best not to say vulgarities, think of anything sadistic wrong.. I must learn to forgive and forget.
I will really try, but its hard. Especially the last part.
Todae I seen some people's true colours. haha. dishonest, two-faced ppl.
Ahh. nvm. I at least got my aims straight. Juz 1 straight path ahead.
I pray for these people, that they change so tat they wont become total losers in their lives next time.

On a lighter note, Jon and Zhi Hong and the canoeing team are having their finals tommorrow haha.
Good Luck guys. XD haha i'll pray for u guys tonight =)

5:46 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This is the third day of the IP Symposium.
Today we went to Labrador Park. Our class was split into 5 groups, and im in the group which was going to labrador park.
It was an average park haha. We were given an hour to do whatever we wanted. So we juz roamed around having fun..=)
Then we went to some secret tunnels which werent very interesting.
We went back to school soon after and then played soccer for the next 1 hour against some really good year 4s. Man, I had to play the defender the whole damn time i couldnt even strike -.-. But there's like this real fast guy reminds me of Jian the way he plays haha.
Well I realised theres also no Math Remedial after school.. Then me and Faiz went to play soccer with the year 3s at the basketball court till about 4.
Then had to dicuss history project till abt 5 then Leon gave me a lift to the bus stop. haha thanks leon.
Anyways im sick now. sigh. feeling a bit uncomfortable now. =P
Shall post some pictures if i can get them from Josiah.

5:50 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Today is a real nice day.
I met Jon and Zhi Hong at somerset mrt todae then we went to cineleisure. haha, anyways Josiah came late.. then we went to buy tickets first then went to arcade for a while.
Then we went to pastamania and we wanted to order a large pizza at first, but every1 bought their own share in the end. Jon was disgusted with my obsession with cheese haha, he said i ruined his appetite.
We then went to LAN a while and then we went to watch Hancock.
The movies cool and funny. Its nice so its a good choice if ur thinking of watching a movie like within the next week. Will Smith's a real good actor.
Anyways Jon had to go home soon after the movie so we all went back home.. lol
Tommorrow school starts again, and we are going Science Center. Haha hope its fun=)
Changed my blog song btw, haha nvr noticed this song till recently haha.. love this song<3

9:49 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

these 2 days been real slack.
i havent done anything much other than msn, train and listen to music.
im feeling something i nvr felt before.
i dunno wad to say.. haha
anyways im going out tommorrow with my good friends jon and josiah, zhi hong and we are meeting claudia at 2 haha......>< we are going to watch hancock =)
its gonna be fun.. =D

7:28 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Today is the start of symposium. The start was boring with keynote speeches and stuff. The good part was the movie screening of The Day After Tomorrow. The movie's pretty nice and its worth the watch. During recess me and some other ppl including josh, yi sheen josiah lim and tham played touch rugby. Lol then joshua started owning everybody haha. =p
After that had NCC, and keith wasnt in school todae so it was not so interesting and fun, but at least I had a good time with Prateek lols. He is super funny and nice so it wasnt that bad. Then we had some drills, the usual stuff and then P.T. We played in the basketball court so it wasnt that nice it kinda sucked.
Oh yea and Jian made it to the semis for 100m so thats cool he says he got chance to get in finals so lets wish him luck. XD
Anyways gotta wake up early tommorrow so im gonna sign off now..
Cheer up=) i'll be there for u

10:10 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today is youth day celebrations. Many ppl went for competitions for stuff today so the clas was fairly empty. In the morning we had a soccer match between the teachers and the prefects. I felt it was kinda planned lol or some sort. Because the prefects were leading 3-0 at half time, but then in the second half they take their star player out and then by full time it wa 3-3. But in the end the prefects won by penalties.

We then had recess for 1 hour 20 mins and im so sry jj i couldnt eat banana prata with u bcoz i thought the recess was till 10.40. ps.

Anyways my bro JJ had track today and he made it to the semis. =D lets all wish him good luck and hope he can get into the finals and get a medal whoo..

Well we also got ice-cream today from the school! Today seemed like a real fun day and everyone was mad rishing homework at the start but after that we started doing exercises on the floor.

Tommorrows the start of IP Symposium. Im looking forward to some parts, and of course missing lessons.

So many things happened recently haha... =)

9:18 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tommorrow is gonna be the youth day celebrations! XD
get to wear anything u wan woohooo...
im too ecited cant say much now but we have tons of hw to do....

7:19 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Today is NCC day, I had to wear the uniform to school which wasnt nice.
i rather wear the school uniform.
Today i also did my IOC in which i got one of the harder extracts and thank God it came out ok i got 22/30 in the end. Even though I ould have wanted more, but well we shouldn't be too greedy in life. XD
Bored ppl do eird things so heres something from josiahs blog.

1.What's the connection between you & the last person that called you?
That was Keith and we are good friends.

2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
no, i juz put on silent and out of 999 times u call me i pick up once.

3. What happened yesterday nite?
I talked to Keith, msned and played some game.

4. When did you last cry?
When i got injured.

5. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
a spoon =D

6. What do you want in your life right now?
a lot of things.

7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
i have none...

8. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
a pillow.

9. What bottom are you wearing now?

10. Whats the nicest text in your inbox say?
birthday wishes from a few months ago.

11. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?

12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?

13. What was the last movie you caught?
Rogue Assasin

14. What are you proud of?

15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
delete le.

16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
err ocean avenue i think.

17. Do you have any nicknames?
dunno wad nicknames.

18. What does your last received text message say?
missed call from somebody.

19. What time did you go to bed last night?

20. Are you currently happy?

21. Who gives you best advice?

22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?

23. Who did you talk on phone last night?

24. Is anything bugging you right now?
Yes. A LOT of stuff.

25. What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?

26. Do you wear toe socks?

27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
my dad.

28. Have you ever had your heart broken?

29. What annoys you most in a person?
fake ppl.

30. Do you have a crush on anyone?

31. Have you ever done cocaine?
no. duh.

32. What is the colour of your room?

33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?

34. Do you believe in the saying "talk is cheap"?

35. Who was the last person to lay in your bed?

36. Who was the last person to hug you?
Jian Jie

37. What do you want to say to the person you have a crush on?
ur my dream come true.

38. Do you have a life?
i dont think so. lol

39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't?

40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
a person..

41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?

42. Last time you smiled?
Today, talking to rages and Keith

43. Have you changed this year?

44. What are you listening to right now?
my profile song

45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?

46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?

47. Is there a quote you live by?
not really.

48. Do you want someone you can't have?

49. Have you ever played an instrument?
violin and guitar.

50. What was the worst idea you've had in the week?

51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
using com.

52. Are you happy with your love life right now?

53. What song describes your love life?

54. Does the person know that you like him/her?

55. Who always make you laughs?
josiah tham and jian jie.

56. Do you speak other language other than English?

57. Are you blond?
my hair black

58. What your middle name?

59. What are you doing tomorrow?
running with Keith

60. What do you think you are like?
no comment.

61. Who will you choose to die with?

62. Where have you been today?

63. What game do you play often?

64. Who are you missing right now?

65. If you've to choose between friend & love, who will you choose?

66. What are you doing right now?
doing this thing.

67. Which primary school are you from?

68. Name 3 colours that you like.
Black, White, Red

69. What emotion you like to show?

70. What is life to you?
a gift

71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
consult best friends and the bible

72. Who did you last chat in msn today?

73. Who do you admire the most?

74. Which month are you born in?

75. How are you feeling right now?
a lil angry happy sad and stressed.

76. What is the time now?

77. Where are you now?
on the bed

78. What colour did you use to dye hair ?
I dont like dye

79. Why are you doing this test?

80. What do you do when you're moody?
listen to music

81. At which age you wish to get marry?
depends when i'll find the dream gal. =D

82. Who is most important to you?

83. Do you think you have enough confidence?

84. Who is the person you trust the most?

85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?

86. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
Be the perfect person.

87. What is your goal for this year?
A lot of things.

88. Do you believe in eternity love?
yes and no.

89. What do you love?
God, Family Friends, Guitar and a lot of other stuff

90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?

91. What feeling you hate the most?

92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

93. Do you believe in God?
more than anyone else.

94. Who cares for you the most?
God and my Family and Best friends.

95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

96. Do you hate this quiz?
Yea. for asking retarded questions.

97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
a lot of things

98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?

99. What if your stead two-timed you?
Many people will suffer.

100. Who would u sabo next?

4:39 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)


When Im with you, Its like a Dream come True.


My Name: Yen Hang
My Loves: God, Family, Friends, my iPOD

complete my ultimate aim
know god better
hang out with my bros
rock in guitar
My Friends

Daryl Chen
Jeremy Ong
Nikhel-Best Bro
Jian Jie-Best Bro
Keith- Best Bro
Jon Wong


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4 more days to freedom.

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