Sunday, March 16, 2008

wa.. omg holidays so fast over le..
The sleepover was pure ownage and super fun. We watched the secret, (i watched only like a bit) then we played tons of xbox, dota, all sorts of games. We went to caltex to stock up on tidbits for the night ahead. XD We got 5 packets of malteasers, 1 packet of ruffles and 1 packet of lays, all in all 18 strips of kit kats and 30 cans of coke. LOL.
We watched a sick yet meaningful show which Daryl loved and JJ got so super freaked out lor. Take a pen and attempt to slice his throat with it and he will jump in fear lol.
I somemore cook supper for everyone.. instant noodles.. lol XP..
Then JJ, Daryl and Sheen slept for abt 3 hours then me and Keith went to play somemore DotA together.
On Friday, there was a massive confusion on the meeting point which wasted abt 30 mins to 1hr of our time.. anyways i me and dave treated the ppl to KFC and LAN for 2 hours which again was super fun and pure ownage. After that we went to watch The Eye. Again JJ was super freaked out, whilst I was too tired to feel scared lol. After that they all come gatecrash my house(as dave puts it) and played soccer^^ Then they all left by 9 and there came the end of a great week..=(
Tommorrow school le, homework massive loads.. wa must finish..

6:48 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Holidays have arrived..=) ahh.. the first day of holiday and my brother wakes me up at 7 to play com with him. lol. Today follow my parents bring my brother to tuition. then go starbucks drink some ice chocolate(which totally rocks) and read newspapers and listen to music.=D
9 March 2008 is my my bro JJ's birthday. Really wanna wish him a really good year ahead. so far so good for him do well for everything sia.XD
March holidays got so many things lined up. Gotta help my parents do some accounting stuff, then got parties=)=D which bring life n joy to my holidays. Gonna be so much fun.. Ahh I cant wait.. I cant wait..
OH yeah and btw, Liverpool owining Newcastle now. Half time score 2-0, torres and pennant. Yay, now Torres has 19 goals, 2 behind Ronaldo. My 2 faovurite players in EPL owning sia. =D

8:18 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

a week has flown post and I havent blogged. Founders Day was a 'blast' . The marching was pretty good especially the GOH. The clanking of rifles and the cool uniforms made them look quite nice. Well we received some nice book and some commoration stamps. We are 3 days away from holidays, and the these 3 days are gonna past by like a snail. Anyways I'm sick again and I hate it. Yesterday we had Life Sciences Symposium and there were some nice exhibits and some boring ones. The latest boo-hoo around Singapore right now must be the terrorist escaping the detenetion. Hope he gets caught soon and nobody gets hurt.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.

2. Press forward for each question.

3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense.


4. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.


How are you feeling today?

Will you get far in life? Rough landing Holly- Yellowcard \

(lol a rough landing?)

How do your friends see you? Remember the Name- Fort Minor

(They cant forget my name=) )

Will you get married? Damn Regret- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

(er.. its a yes then?)

What's your best friend's theme song? Welcome to the Black Parade- My Chemical Romance

(lol? Emo kia.)

What is the story of your life? Baby Come on-+44

(What does that mean?)

What was primary school like? House of Wolves- My Chemical Romance

(lol they were all like wolves..)

How can you get ahead in life? High Road- Fort Minor

(By being high?)

What is the best thing about your friends? Waiting Game- Yellowcard

(They love to make me wait and play games with me.. is that good?)

What is in store for this weekend? Bang the doldrums- Fallout Boy

(I don’t think I am going to play drums this weekend leh.)

What song describes you? Pressing on- Relient K

(I don’t give up?)

To describe your grandparents? This ain’t a scene, It’s an arms race-fallout boy


How is your life going? All The Small Things- Blink 182

( so many little things to do..)

What song will they play at your funeral? Pieces-Sum 41

(LOL. Sadists sia.)

How does the world see you? All the Rage- Funeral for a Friend

(I’m a very angry personXP)

Will you have a happy life? The Take Over, The Break’s Over-Fallout Boy

(zzz I won’t get breaks, but at least I probably take over the world!=))

What do your friends really think of you? The carpel tunnel of love-Fallout Boy

(Lol.. I’m so full of love..)

Do people secretly lust after you? Love Song- Anberlin

(That’s a yes?=) )

How can I make myself happy? The Press Corpse- Anti-Flag

(this sounds strangely gross.)

What should you do with your life? Right Back in the Water- Jesse Mcartney

(nah… I wont drown myself)

Will you ever have children? Chapter 13-+44

(lol 13 a bit too much..)

Happy marriage? The Great Escape- Boys like Girls

(Yea.. a nice happy one)

Miscarriage? Famous Last Words- My Chemical Romance

(dunno what that means..)

4:09 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)


When Im with you, Its like a Dream come True.


My Name: Yen Hang
My Loves: God, Family, Friends, my iPOD

complete my ultimate aim
know god better
hang out with my bros
rock in guitar
My Friends

Daryl Chen
Jeremy Ong
Nikhel-Best Bro
Jian Jie-Best Bro
Keith- Best Bro
Jon Wong


January 2008 (:
February 2008 (:
March 2008 (:
April 2008 (:
May 2008 (:
June 2008 (:
July 2008 (:
August 2008 (:
September 2008 (:
October 2008 (:
November 2008 (:
December 2008 (:
January 2009 (:


4 more days to freedom.

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