Wednesday, February 27, 2008

wahhh tommorrow p sci test. damn stress sia i h8 tests.. must study here study there, no time do other things. at least tommorows the last test, then after that still got to do epod reflections by friday. zzzz.. today i had orchestra practice which was as usual super boring.. then i went around the whole school with jon wong.. doing all sorts of random things. we were bored. we got back all our results so far, only leaving p sci and geog.
my test results are as follows.
math 47/50 best result in math of my secondary life. highest was 50
l sci 43/50 well its ok.. lost to JJ but at least above 85. highest again 50.
history reflections 1st 1: 15/15 2nd 1:12/15 =)
lang arts a: 18/25 lang arts b: 21/25 total:39/50 im happy:)
so its been a good term so far and thank god for everything.
well jian also did exceptionally well this term. he made a tremendous improvement from last year from like 50s and 60s to 80s. good job la.
tommorrow got life sciences symposium thingy so me and sean must go buddy people from other schools and countries. Sean says he hopes its a girl lol. Anyways tommorrows physical science test, im a bit nervous, seeing that I failed last year horribly. anyways i wish every1 the best of luck...=)

nothing compares to.. a quiet evening alone.. Crushcrushcrush by Paramore

7:58 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Today is the founders day rehearsal for the school. I witnessed the marching from a nice view which wa quite nice, especially the NCC people. Our orchestra rehearsal was ok i guess.... Can't wait to get back into the formation. Few more months. 2 weeks to my sleepover, fun and party.. My second installment for the friend test is coming up. So be sure to take it and see how much u get. Good luck XP. Tommorrow there's nothing much happening so I will post more tommorrow ba..

4:45 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Today was a relaxing day at home. This week's been so tiring I been sleeping like some guy deprived of sleep. Keep taking naps in the middle of the day. Then watch TV, do homework, play com, msn, blog, lift weights and eat. =D nice day, hope tommorrow everything goes well cos its the founder's day rehearsal. Wish all the marching ppl gl especially the GOH ppl cos all eyes will be on you guys! XP Tommorrow also got the orchestra rehearsal at 7am so damn sian gotta wake up early. Oh man.. everyday inches closes to holidays, the party and the recovery.. Juz gotta be patient...=)

6:57 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

FINALLY. ITS OVER. I can breathe again.. Math is over, Chinese project over, art project 95% finished. yay.=D I thought it would never end. 1 last thing is the last half of our lang arts b exam. well everyday inches closes to our school holidays and I cant help but look forward to it. Today we went to NCC HQ do some stupid train fire thing. Only fun thing is the striping and assembly of rifles, other than that quite boring la. Tommorrow gonna relax and go play DotA with Sean, Josiah and Richard. Ah a good end to an extremely retarded week of mass work. tests and studying.

6:09 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ahh.. omg this week is the most uber cramped week of the year. We had a life science test on monday, which i cramped for from 1-3 8-12 on Sunday. Then after that, I got Math to prepare for as it is my weakest subject. Zz... some more got to do art homework sia.. Sian.. I gonna ask for extension for my art homework, either that or I not going tommorrow for practice le.. Too much to do... so little time... Wish me luck....

8:16 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hello guys, its been a pretty rough week for us. So many projects, so many assignments so much work, omg i'm like so burnt out. Anyways, the big commotion around our school has come out in the news. I prefer not to give the details. I'm juz shocked I actually kicked about a bit with him hours before the it happened. Details.. are in Daryl's blog so go view it if u want.
Anyways, on a lighter note, Joshua's late b dae present has been bought thanks to Sean. Me, Andre and Edward's combined b dae pressy to Joshua. Hope he likes it. Lastly, i wanna say Paramore and Yellowcard rocks. Yeah lol. And, I have given up. I cant even hold a stupid conversation, lol omg Dave should noe wad i'm talking about. I'm like such a loser..

8:35 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Today is Valentine's Day. The special day of love<3 and Joshua's birthday. So, first of all I wanna wish Joshua a very happy birthday. Also to all the people out there to have an enjoyable today whether you have someone to spend it with=) or not=( Anyways, we heard some piece of extremely saddening news today in school which has caused somewhat considerable commotion in school. We pray for all those affected. This week is the busiest week ever. Geography project, history assignment, chinese assignment. Zzzz.. Almost dead le. Slept at 1, 2 plus the past two days. Almost slept in class today. Well today I slept from 5-10pm so I hope that makes up for the lost sleep. Chinese test results came out and I got owned. highest was 93 and i only got 83. Not a very good start lol. JJ did very well beating me with a score of 85. He pro lor. Anyways some people have taken my friend test, but not all have and its interesting, the scores. If you can get 75 and above, you are already very good. That means your like my pals or good buddies. So good luck all.

8:44 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

we are two days away from Valentines Day and Joshua's birthday. Today we had free periods which is a good thing and we ate the pomelo which had been in our class for like 2 weeks and the pomelo which Keith had poked about 10 holes into it. I thought it tasted a bit bitter,lol. After school me Andre, Josh, Yi Sheen went to macs and talked about stuff. Joshua is thinking of playing DotA again, but he lost his CD, lol. So i'm thinking of buying him the battle chest again, lols. Yea i'm finding some people i can share the gift with so yea, leave a tag or call me. So much homework to do today, Geog project, p sci, haiz.. I'm gonna go do it now so I'll leave it off here.

2:47 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year guys, sorry for not posting for so long. Lots have happened in this one week and i'm gonna cramp everything in one post. Be prepared.
On Wednesday, me, Keith, Dave, Nikhel Jem Ong and some other people went back to visit our teaches back in ACS(P). We stayed back to watch the concert for a while. The concert was uh, not as appealing as we would have liked. It used to be filled with nice little skits and Mr Poon's nice videos. This year, it was full of weird dances from all sorts of places. Anyways, some of us got bored so after that we went to the tennis court to play some tennis which was fun:) I didn't know that tennis was so fun. At about 10.30am the bunch of us went to Orchard to watch 27 Dresses, which was recommended by Jem Ong. But before that, we went to Long Johns Slivers for lunch which was disgusting, then we went to play LAN which was pure fun. The movie was ok lar I guess, I think it's more for girls than boys anyways. After that Nikhel and Dave left in a taxi,(which they were lucky enough to find.) Me, Jem and Keith were walking around Orchard trying to find a taxi for like what 1 1/2 hours? Omg and the worst thing is that We tried to take MRT, and the stupid train had no space. 2 Trains. We then took to Somerset and finally, after being so sick of waiting we decided to take bus home.
During the other days, people came over to visit, and we went to places to visit. On Thursday night, when my whole family and I went to Night Safari, I fell into a drain. I had like a 5 or more cm cuts on my left leg below the knee. =(
The main thing I learnt this festive period is how to play Mahjong. Mahjong I feel is like a super fun game based on skill and of course some luck. Its like a great way to come together as a family or as a bunch of friends lor.
I shall post somemore stuff tommorrow.
All I can think of is you, yet I don't know if you're the right one for me..

1:25 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

These past few days I havent been doing much. Basically i've been watching this anime called Death Note and it rocks. I really have nothing much to post abt right now so i will post again tommorrow or something, hopefully with more to post abt=p Sry guys.

2:40 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)


When Im with you, Its like a Dream come True.


My Name: Yen Hang
My Loves: God, Family, Friends, my iPOD

complete my ultimate aim
know god better
hang out with my bros
rock in guitar
My Friends

Daryl Chen
Jeremy Ong
Nikhel-Best Bro
Jian Jie-Best Bro
Keith- Best Bro
Jon Wong


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February 2008 (:
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