Thursday, January 31, 2008

Today we had P.E and me Keith, Leon, Richard, Ben Tay and John Tang were sitting around the track talking crap while the rest were running. It isn't very fun sitting around during P.E. Anyways the rest ran around the school and I heard Sean got owned for slacking. No comment on that. Well history is super fun nowadays cos we are playing RISK for the next 2 weeks. After school, me Joshua and Andre went to eat at Macs and continued talking about weird and random stuff. Then I went home. I slept then talked to JJ and study chinese with him until now. Higher Chinese Test tommorrow, first test of the year I hope I do really well for it. Good luck to all.
My List of how to Spend $75,000 (Prices are estimates.)
Buy a New Violin- $5000
Buy a Guitar- $500
an ipod Video- $300
2 massaging chairs- $15000(for my parents and grandparents)
An N81-$1000
3 PSPs with lots of games-$3000( 2 for my brothers)
A new laptop cos the tablet sucks- $5000
2 LCD TVs- 1 in my parents room 1 in mine-$10000
New bags, shoes, clothes for everyone- $5000
Weights and other equipment-$1000
Waterbeds for Everyone!-$10000
New Furniture-$10000
Holiday for my parents-$5000
The rest goes to charity
Note that I hate holidays for I have a phobia of planes. Lol

Throw it away, forget yesterday,we'll make the great escape..
The Great Escape- Boys Like Girls

7:06 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hello, i haven't posted for a long time due to the extreme amount of projects we have due this week. Well i'm gonna post about what i'm gonna do if I had $75'000. I dunno actually so how about u guys giving me some ideas on the tag board. (and it is a way to get u guys tagging up my blog so it doesn't look like its from the Jurassic park.) Chinese New Year is coming up and i'm wondering whether everyone is in the festive mood. I just can't wait for Chinese New Year because then we have holiday. :) Yesterday I had a very insightful discussion with Keith and Frederick about a lot of issues and well i think we could have wrote an Extended Essay on it. Tommorrow I have orchestra practice. zzzzzz......... Just wishing for my knee to heal soon so school wouldn't bore me out. I changed the song again so please go listen to it k?

4:24 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Today I went back to school for the charity bazaar. It started off slow, but we managed to sell most of it. Anyways I bought some stuff off the class as a form of support. I bought a really nice lion piggy bank thing, a ring with a rose on top of it and a silver thing that has a nice design on it and i think its a mirror. And the last two items are not for me. In case you were wondering. I changed the song on my blog so please listen to it cos its nice.=D And I almost finished the DNA model thing with Frederick. He came to my house today after the bazaar to do the project so that leaves me with Art and the Lang Arts thing.

7:31 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, January 25, 2008

This whole week has been really bad for me. I have been sick, sick sick. Yesterday I went home halfway through school. I was freezing to bits in class and I felt so giddy and tired. Dunno wads wrong with me. Sleep, sleep sleep. I come home, sleep. Sian. Even now I feel tired even though I done nothing much today and I slept in the afternoon. Today was the rehearsal thing for Founder's Day. Sad. I was watching them do drills for a while. They learning how to do rifle drills. I only know a bit because Keith and Daryl so enthu, whole day do rifle drills in class with Jem last year and this year. Looks interesting, ah but I never really bothered to learn. Keith says I'll be a staff. I don't think so. Lol. There's the charity bazaar tommorrow in school and i'm gonna go early to help out. I feel pretty useless right now so I decided to go help the class comm. I made an important decision yesterday and i'm gonna change my lifestyle, Yeah. They say, hate is an obsession. I'm gonna use it to my fullest advantage.

6:27 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hello i haven't been posting the past few days cos i'm sick... Really sick. Sore throat, cough, blocked nose, fever. The fever keeps going up down like a roller coaster. Had MC on Tuesday so I didn't come to school. Heard there was some drama. Anyways all I have been doing is sleep all day long cos i feel so lethargic. We had P.E. today and it was interesting. Through this injury did i realise how horrible life is without being able to run. It was interesting to see Keith teaching Leon how to do proper push ups. Come to think of it, I couldn't even do 1 push up before i cam into Sec 1. I despise what I was a year ago. I'm gonna start to put up my favourite weekly songs so just enjoy...
I'm gonna go sleep now, tommorrow still got Lang Arts B project with Josiah and Joshua. Nitez..

Work Hard, Play Hard, Train Hard.

7:12 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm waiting for 12 midnight to wish Daryl happy b'dae on his blog and via sms. I only done it to 1 person so far and Daryl's the second one. Basically, if i'm doing it to you that means your a really important friend to me and special to me. (I'm sounding really weird right now) Hes my good buddy, and even though we often have problems and i feel like killing him, we always somehow solve it. Daryl's having a really bad headache the past 2 days so hope he recovers soon. God bless him. I'm listening to Maroon 5's Wont Go Home Without You and it rocks. I'm gonna post some songs on my blog soon. And this is definitely gonna be of the songs. Well, i drank at least 10 litres of water today to curb the sore throat problem. My knee's healing well and Thank God. I can't wait to play soccer full time again. And btw my NFC Manager thingy did quite well cos some of my players scored and the defenders or keeper kept clean sheets, so more points for me =)

This is my Team. I have a budget so it isnt exactly a dream team. And I cannot have more than 2 players from each club.
GK: Paul Robinson
Defenders: Johnny Lescott, Patrice Evra, William Gallas, Micah Richards
Midfielders: Cesc Fabregas, Cristiano Ronaldo, Steven Gerrard, Aaron Lennon
Strikrs: Fernando Torres,James Vaughan

7:21 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Today i woke up and went to eat wanton noodles with my parents and my brother. After that I came back felt damn giddy and sick so I slept for 2 hours till abt 2.30. Went to take my lunch then ate a panadol. I think im getting a sore throat. I finished the homework due tommorrow finally. Thanks to Frederick and Nikhel for helping me. Still got 2 projects coming up. So busy zzz.... Hope i recover soon.. Tommorrow i dont think i can sing vocals for the taiwan ppl during PC.

6:02 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Today I bought Daryl's b'dae present, a set of nice headphone since he needs them. Hope he likes it. Anyways i created some account on for NFC Manager because I felt bored. Anyways all you soccer fanatics out there that wanna help me make my team own and win prizes just gimme a tag or a call! I just wrote finished my nice essay for the nice p sci teacher about working in macs vs studying like a no lifer at home. The pros and cons, and my stand on it. Hope it owns and the first few comments i had on it gave raving reviews.

The girl you been looking for all your life, might actually just be right next to you...

6:48 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Ok i came back from OEP yesterday and i'm now posting after watching the Liverpool vs Luton Town replay. I didn't post earlier bcoz i was too tired and i didn't feel like it. =p
Anyways we went to Malacca for our OEP and it was fun. Firstly you get to spend 6 days and 5 nights with some of our best friends in the world and your nice classmates. How cool is that?
Well i'm gonna post what we did in a couple of paragraphs in order of day.

Sat, the 1st day, 12 Jan.
We took a 3 hour bus ride to Muar where we spent the whole afternoon doing cool activities. We went kayaking,(which was super fun) we did river rafting, (which was also tremendously fun bcoz towards the end we decided to capsize the boat. Well we tried too.) Then we also did an obstacle course which was challenging, and interesting.) And the last activity was some stupid build your own noob raft which was the most uninteresting and made me want to sleep part.) We then proceeded to a restaurant for dinner then to Malacca to check in and rest for the night.

Sun, the 2nd day, 13 Jan
Second day and i must say 1 of the more boringest days in history. We went to some red square to learn about the melakan history, then we went to some cultural house to learn about peranakan culture and customs.( the latter being the much much more boring part.) We then went back to hotel to rest and then we had some batik art painting thing which was quite fun. The best part of the day was the trip to Jonker Street at night where i bought 2 pairs of sunglasses which looked so cool and some other stuff.

Mon, the 3rd day, 14 Jan
Third day. It rained in the morning so it delayed our treasure hunt, (which was such a good thing=D) we had a trishaw ride to Makhota parade where we went for a lil shopping but i didn't buy anything cos i already spent about 100 rm. We mostly slacked around Macs. We did eventually do the treasure hunt thing where we came in 3rd, surprisingly, we thought we came in like last cos we were all slacking. After that we went to a Salvation Army home where we did some really meaningful CIP work. After a hard afternoons work we retired to the hotel to slack for the rest of the night.

Tuesday, the 4th day, 15 Jan
We went to the bee farm in the morning where we learnt how to collect and process honey. We also learnt that Dean could speak to animals. We then proceeded to D'Paradise where we stayed in the fruit bar for like 2 hours i think cos it was raining. We had some interesting food competitions to see who could eat a passion fruit the fastest. Without a doubt, Leon came in the winner. We then went to visit the ostriches and deers where i was totally freaked out. I was like so scared of them and i started running everytime 1 came near me. Freaky stuff. We also went to some interesting tribal dance show which was strangely interesting. After dinner, we proceeded to back to D'Paradise for our very challenging yet super fun night walk. We thought it was gonna be like a stroll in the park, but it surprised everyone. It turned out that the guides had led us all the way up to the bonfire instead of juz a simple walk along the path. There were slopes, logs to cross holes, vines to climb up steep slopes, thorny vines, protruding roots. Very very fun, but it was amusing to see some people do the course and i pitied the people up in the front, cos they were the first ones to get tripped, to fall and to notice weird thorny branches. The fact that it was close to pitch dark except for our torchlights made it ever cooler. Through God's grace we all made it up to the top and nobody was hurt except a few scratches here and there and extremely muddy shoes. Dean tripped into a hole and almost sprained his leg at the end. Sad guy.

Wednesday, the 5th day, 16 Jan
The best day of the trip for me. We slacked around the mall for 3 hours after buying our ingredients for the cooking competition later on in the evening. The cooking competition was so fun. We cooked sambal prawns and made onion omelette sandwiches. It was a disaster at the start, with Jin Sun destroying the tofu and it didn't help when then morale was going down and some people were beginning to wonder whether I, leading the group for this competition was such a good idea. Anyways we pulled through and after some nice decorations made by Jin Sun, some good cutting and hilarious introduction to our dish, we won the 1st prize. =)

Thursday, the 6th day, 17 Jan
The last day. We took a hour journey to Kukup island where we ate a seafood lunch, visited a floating fish farm and some nature walk then we went back to the second link. After that, we went back to school to play some street soccer. I shouldn't have played but I just had too and we played for about 25 mins cos half the time we were trying to get back the ball Josiah kicked over the fence.

Events to Note.
Curfew time.
This was something that i bet almost everyone violated but only a few were caught cos they turned the volume of the TV too loud, or they made too much noise.

Sick mates.
Keith, Jeremy, Edward, John Tang all fell sick. Keith and Jeremy were running pretty high temperatures and Edward had diahorrea for a few days while John Tang had stomachaches. But thanks to the caring teachers who brought Keith and Jeremy to see the specialist doctors, and by God's grace and mercy they were alright in the end.

Dean's 'amazing ability' to talk to animals.
This fascinated most of us and made him the animal man or maybe just the bee-man.

Shopping list ( what i spent my money on)
Quiksilver belt(15rm)
2 cool caps (30rm)
2 cool sunglasses(30rm)
Tidbits(roughly about 30-40rm)
Traditional Fan(2rm)
Room service on the 2nd last day(30rm)
A really nice necklace of the cross(10rm)
and including some other stuff i spent about 200 rm in total.(or more)

Anyways this concludes this super long post. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorta happy to back in Singapore cos it rocks here. We got lots of homework for the weekends and that sucks. Signing off..

Just because someone doesn't love you in the way you want them to, doesn't mean that they don't love you with all they've got.

8:16 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Today is one of the most devastating days in my life. I went to see the specialist and I was diagnosed with Osgood Schlatters's diesease of the knees. It was caused due to over exertion of the knees in actions such as running and soccer. I'm out of 3 months at least from all rigorous activities such as running, soccer, marching, drills. Yea, i'm totally saddened I almost cried when i broke the news to Daryl. I'm gonna miss NAPFA and i'm sure my stamina will drop after i recover. Thankfully i'm still able to swim and cycle so i'm gonna rely on that to keep me fit and in shape. Well I don't really wanna talk about anything much right now, i'm not in the mood. I just wanna quickly finish up my stupid art homework and go and sleep and hope this half a year or so passes by quickly. Well, God has a plan for everyone, who noes wads gonna happen during my time of injury? Anyway I pray to God for strength through this tough period.

Signing off.
Sad Person=(

3:32 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Today I feel really tired. First of all i slept at 4am, then I was supposed to meet Jeremy, Daryl and Keith at ACP at 7.30am to visit our teachers. I initially woke up and 7, then I dozed off again. I only woke up at 9.30 at which this point i was shocked. I was already so late. I immediately chiong down to get the phone then i called Keith. No answer, (expected). Then i called jem, apologised for oversleeping.=p
At school we revisited many of our teachers, who were both surprised and delighted to see us. We also went around the classrooms and attended the lessons. Lol. Funny experience. Well but we realised that from generation to generation the size shrinks or something. Anyways we had interesting talks with Mr Poon and Mrs Karen Wong our 2 favourite teachers. Coming back to school as seniors really is different then being a student here at ACP. Well Keith was supposed to come with us but he went for soccer training and it only ended at 11. In the end he came at 1.15, 15 mins before the school dismissal. Very Nice-.-. Every teacher that saw Keith told him he had lost weight. He must be so happy that his effort are paying off. After that we ate lunch with Mr Poon and the whole table got the impression I had started talking to another girl.-.- So Mr Poon suggested they squeeze info out of me, a positive way to use up our extra energy. Well we bid farewell to Mr Poon then me and Keith split up with Daryl and jeremy.

Me and Keith went to the Cafe to eat then after that he went to my house. We played some Fifa 2007 on my 360 and the score was very embarrassing. Keith had to go at abt 5 o clock so then i ate my dinner at abt 6 at dozed off. I woke up at abt 8 and i was feeling really bad. Sore throat and a really bad runny nose. Aww shucks. I h8 being sick. Yeah i crawled up to my bed to finish up my geog assignment and then posted this. Better be poping some vitamin c pills soon.

I wish upon a star for you to be mine just 1 more time..

4:35 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Its Monday again.=( Today the big thing in our school was the release of the IB results thing. Well our school did super well and the principal Dr Ong was so happy, he gave us all a HOLIDAY. Oh ya and the school invited some girl from perth for our chapel. She is visually impaired and was born with only 1 functionable lung but she has such an incredible voice and she can play the piano so well. She has even released 2 albums of songs that praise the Lord. She's so great lor praise to te lord for her talents. So we all left school feeling damn happy today. After school me Josh, Keith, Jose and a bunch of 2.11 went to SP to eat. Then we played street soccer at Jose house. On the way there on the bus we were all acting damn spastic. Well most of us. Anyways i decided to try out to play a bit of soccer since street soccer u don't have to run so much i thought it was ok. I felt damn useless with my injury. So my team we got owned. Well i'm feeling kinda sad n worried right now the doctors appointment for the knee checkup is on wed. Hopefully he can shed some light on my knee condition and help me recover. Not being able to run makes me feel sad and fat. =(=(
Anyways i'm watching Huang Jin Lu on channel 8 and it rocks. Most of the class watches it which is a rarity but this show really rocks.

Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, the hope in tomorrow, the joy in the heart.

5:06 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I went vivo city today to shop for stuff. We went to so many shops, end up still never buy anything. Custom la.=.= Anyways i also went shopping daryl's b dae present. I wanted to buy him the latest cd album from click five or maroon 5 but i guessed he probably has it le so better not buy. Well i already decided wad to buy for him le. Me and Nikhel gonna do a combined present hope our buddy likes it. Anyway schools tommorrow and i h8 waking up early.=.= waking up early in the morning makes me pissed off. Anyways im toking abt weird stuff now so i better go. quite latele and i juz missed The Noose on channel 5. To end the post i juz wanna wish Mr Jeremy Ong Jun Kai happy b dae! the oldest guy in our class at this moment lol.

Love is like a rumor, everyone talks about it, but no one truly knows.

6:00 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

School has passed so slowly...
Can't wait till the next holidays then can slack again. We are inching ever closer to our OEP trip. Dunno whether to be excited, sad, or happy. zzz... At least we're not gonna take plane. I have a fear of planes. Anyways he bunking system has caused quite a controversy in our class. We are gonna be bunked according to register number. Dean is with Daryl( gonna be quite a night of physics and thats my most hated subject.) and i'm gonna be with Kazu. Not bad la, we were softball mates before. Well, im guessing we are ll gonna be in for quite a week. Gonna be lots of drama.
My appointment with the doctor to checkup on my knee is next Saturday, so i might miss NCC training again this week. Hope all goes well.

To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart, and to sing it to them, when they have forgotten.

6:15 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, January 4, 2008

The first day back to school, I walk up the ramp towards the space frame and i see two innocent looking secondary 1 students wandering about aimlessly. Kinda reminds me of myself, on the first day, lol.
Back to class, meeting all your old classmates, yeah it feels great. All the teachers seem really nice, and im thinking this year is gonna be just great.
But.. Yea there's always a but. zzz....
Since the NCC Camp, I've been plagued with a left knee injury. This really pisses me off.
I cant play soccer at all. I can't even enjoy the new futsall court thats just right next to our classroom. I'm really worried, a weeks passed and my knee still as bad as ever. I'm probably gonna go to the hospital or sinseh for some checkup. Hope everything goes well. I still wanna enjoy the freedom of running down flanks, and running. So yeah, wish me luck guys.
I also missed NCC training today thanks to the injury. I'm gonna miss the civil defence test thing so i'm guessing i'll be like a rank lower than every1 else until i take it.

Love is not finding someone you can live with, but finding someone you can't leave without...

6:46 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Hello everyone, after months of not blogging, im finally back.
Ahh, 1 year has passed in a flash, so many things have happened over the past 1 year.
Friendships grew ever closer with each passing day,
So much drama, memories that we will never relive again,
But will forever remain in our hearts.
Everyone in the class, played a part in making 2007 special.
So many people to thank,
My Family,
My Bros,
My Friends.

6:26 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)


When Im with you, Its like a Dream come True.


My Name: Yen Hang
My Loves: God, Family, Friends, my iPOD

complete my ultimate aim
know god better
hang out with my bros
rock in guitar
My Friends

Daryl Chen
Jeremy Ong
Nikhel-Best Bro
Jian Jie-Best Bro
Keith- Best Bro
Jon Wong


January 2008 (:
February 2008 (:
March 2008 (:
April 2008 (:
May 2008 (:
June 2008 (:
July 2008 (:
August 2008 (:
September 2008 (:
October 2008 (:
November 2008 (:
December 2008 (:
January 2009 (:


4 more days to freedom.

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