Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year to everyone.
Tommorrow school i starting, and i have conflicting feelings.
School is usually cool, with the exception of homework and stuff of course. But then we'll have to wake up early, (even though its the same for holidays.) I like school sometimes, because time flies by so quick. Its like what Zhi Hong says, after school starts, you inevitably wish for the holidays to come.
Ahh but with the school reopening of course we'll be busy, but its this lack of time that makes us treasure the holidays more and games of DotA we take for granted during the holidays.
Anyways 2009 is gonna be hell busy with all the work and stuff, but I set my aims already so got to work towards them fervently and making sure I achieve them or else this year would have been a failed one. Im looking forward to the new year ahead and hope it will be full of fun, thrills, excitement and joy!

6:31 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Its been a while since I came back from Japan.
The snow is beautiful and powdery. Getting to spend time with ur family is awesome, a small break away from the hectic holiday life.
I have to say the food there is soo nice. Ramen, soba, tempura, sashimi and all its so fresh and utterly delicious. Also one thing i noticed is how good the service is over there. The people are so courteous and always cheerful. Whats more the toilets are so damn clean. With those cool seat warmers from supermarkets to eateries to everywhere im amazed at the clealiness of the toilets. Skiing was great too haha whizzing down the slope its pure awesomeness. ;D
Haha it was a very enoyable and memorable trip.
Other and sweets I brought chocalates back haha to share with people but i have been too lazy to bring them. I must remember to bring some tommorrow lol. =P
Had a nice long chat with Keith yesterday over the MSN phone. Miss those long late night phone calls we used to share. It was like a bond, we would tell each other everything and talk about anything. Haha cant find anyone that can replace that. Well it seems hes pretty much adapted to life in Hong Kong and all, im happy for him. He told me something meaningful last night. I shrugged it off but now as i reflect it is kind of true. And im going to try to do that.
Ahh. Things havent been going to well i guess.
Jian is in Malaysia and all and things are kind of screwed. I cant really find anyone to talk to haha.
Besides I just got ignored like some fly. Well i guess they dont really care anyways.
What can I do.
Yeah like I heard some1 say, the world is full of hypocrites.

5:02 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Haha my 100th post.
Finally i was wondering when it would come. Shows how much i post.=P
anyways some random stuff to post about. Shall have more soon i guess.

You are an Elite

An Elite, known as "Idealists" in the Jungian typology is typically the player
who is the most dedicated to the spirit of the game. Idealists are typically proud
individuals who enjoy the feel of the game. Even while getting triple and
quadriple kills they have an impressive amount of spare energy to teach the newer
players how to play. They are typically the ones who show good sportsmanship and also
the players who lead their team to victory in the role of a carry hero. Elites
are the kind of players who will turn a heroes like razor, Spectre or even Meepo into
a unstoppable killing machine in 30 minutes and still have the time to drink their tea.

Basically sounds like me. =D except for the teaching newer players part.

4:26 PM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not much has been happening. The usual training, DotA, working.
I get this feeling that sometimes i act like real anti-social. Sometimes I just get irritated really easily and get real pissed real fast. Im sure many have seen me like this.
Well I really try to control, but its hard and I really hate it when things dont go my way in any situation. DotA or life. Anything. Yeah so im sry if I annoyed anyone or made anyone pissed because I was being retarded and a jerk sometimes.
Im trying to learn how to control, but it takes time.
And its not that im against it. Its just that im really annoyed ur spending like all ur time on it. No time for anything else, not even a short phone call. Everything is surrounding one person. What you say and write. Im just not used to it.
I suddenly feel like playing soccer in school. Maybe on a Tuesday or Wednesday? Heh I dunno, anyone interested just tag or msg me or something on msn. Lol.
I should be sleeping now, training tommorrow. Nights

7:48 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Friday, November 7, 2008

I have been really really lazy to blog for the past 2 weeks.
Holidays been great so far and packed.
Its only been 2 weeks and 2 sleepovers alr. 1 at my house and 1 at Josh's.
Ahh time passes so gast when you are having fun. Cant believe Gokul is migrating to Qatar. Its really saddening losing a great buddy like him. With im around I never stop laughing, all the fun we have had together, the badminton the gymming, soccer, jokes shared. First it was Keith now its Gokul. =(
Anyways I just want to wish him all the best in Qatar and hope he enjoys himself there but most importantly keep in touch with us and dont forget us! =l I'll miss you dearly buddy.
Holidays is about training, dota and working. Lol, im like a DotA addict. =P
Thinking about DotA, I remember a quote from someone.
'Eh Yh you play DotA its not Defense of the Ancients, its Defense of the Heroes.'
Yeah, oo so true. =D
Recently I have been quite annoyed at some people. Like he know i dont like these people, and tell me he dont also, yet he seems to be on such good terms with them, I really dont get it at all.
Ahh well, dont think too much. Training tommorrow, last day of one star course. Must train hard this holidays.

7:32 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Holidays have arrived.
The end of the year and the end of 2.12 Naphtali.
I dont know why, but Im going to like do a dedication for some people in class. Maybe i might do the whole class.

The ever so witty and funny guy that never fails to own Josiah and the guy that always accompanies me to mac to eat after school. Well, hope we can still meet up next yr.

Ever so reliable defender for the class. But you need to chill with those tackles, you might get hurt. Even though some things might not have worked out but I guess there were some good times over the pat 2 years.

Jian Jie and Joshua-
The 2 most important people in the class. Without you guys i probably wouldnt have survived. Even though u guys love to piss me off we still have lots of fun and laughs. Through it all we are still the best of brothers. All the best for your track and rugby next year. =D

Even though you have gone to Hong Kong theres not a day I dont miss the late night phone calls and the laughs and talks we have had over the past 2 years. Haha. All the best for your studies and life in Hong Kong bro!

Nice reliable guy i can always count on. Ever so trustworthy and helpful. Thanks for the past 2 years. =)

Jonathan Tang-
Ever so willing to help me out in my work when i need it and my good orchestra mate. =)

I might post more some other days haha.
Have to wake up early tommorrow. Going to be so much fun. =D

10:35 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Im really quite tired.
I hate going to school nowadays.
Its so boring and i cant even sleep when i want to with all the teachers around.
Feel like not going tommorrow because i have a dental appointment. But my parents want me to go, to take the report book and get the history movie from Daryl.
OEP Briefing today, found out the destinations.
I heard they are going to group the classes according to GEP or not again. So that means might not be in the same class as Zhi Hong. But his average is so high, maybe they put him in. =l

Ahh. I need sleep. But its ironic that its 12.40 now. Oh well, better go sleep now.

9:36 AM,
I Only Wanna Make You Smile=)


When Im with you, Its like a Dream come True.


My Name: Yen Hang
My Loves: God, Family, Friends, my iPOD

complete my ultimate aim
know god better
hang out with my bros
rock in guitar
My Friends

Daryl Chen
Jeremy Ong
Nikhel-Best Bro
Jian Jie-Best Bro
Keith- Best Bro
Jon Wong


January 2008 (:
February 2008 (:
March 2008 (:
April 2008 (:
May 2008 (:
June 2008 (:
July 2008 (:
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October 2008 (:
November 2008 (:
December 2008 (:
January 2009 (:


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